Insights and outsides
Samstag, 15. Februar 2003

Women are cruel!

First of all: Apologies to all my female readers. But I have to say this: Women are cruel, irrational beasts! They make a man lose his rationality, tempting him with their appearance only to rip out his heart sooner or later. I've been trying hard for quite a long time to find a female soul-mate but now I've had it, it's no use.

Generations of pulp fiction schmalz-writers and Hollywood happy endings have spoiled the view of love most women hold. I for one refuse to follow evolution's biological programming, aiming to replicate without responsibility. Where are like-minded women? I figure, they only exist in the editorials of women's magazines and in the scripts of "Sex and the City" writers. Not going to fall into that trap anymore, either. Will live my life on my own and no longer make a fool of myself. Thank you.

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Dienstag, 11. Februar 2003

News Dissector

Take a look at this weblog, it's a critical voice from the U.S. :

Danny Schechter, calling himself the "news dissector", is chief editor of the blog's surrounding website "", a media watchdog offering a view of news events refreshingly apart from mainstream American media.

Hmm..but why are the latest headlines from February 3? I hope, they didn't get gagged already. Ah, no: They're revamping their site, it says somewhere. Anyhow: The blog is up-to-date, the entry for today speaks about overblown judicial restrictions for an anti-war demonstration in NYC among other things.

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Mittwoch, 5. Februar 2003

Due South

I know, I know. Another article about a TV series, although serious things are happening and the war against Iraq is on the doorstep -as I predicted at the end of last year btw.

Here's a link to a fantastic webiste, offering extensive information about one of my all-time favorites "Due South" which is just getting a re-run on German TV.

The show's humor and its characters appealed to me from the beginning and I was sorry to see the original Detective Vecchio replaced by this admittedly "cooler" looking guy. I always sort of identified with Vecchio because he too had loved and lost and had to live with it, just like me. His outlook on life was also much more pessimistic, than Fraser's, but together they made a great duo to set things straight.

Although part of the show's humor relies on differences and some prejudices Americans hold about their Canadian neighbors, it never bashes either side too strong. Unforgettable is the scene in the very first ep, where Benton Fraser -freshly arrived from Canada- walks up to a prison cell in which Vecchio is pretending to be a crook dealing in illegal textile goods and asks to speak to some "Detective Armani" lol With that, Vecchio's cover was gone, of course.

And then the lovely superior of Fraser, how often did I mutter to myself "Come on now, grab her, kiss her, for Chrissakes" which didn't happen until the famous ep that had Leslie Nielsen as a senior Mountie commander in it.

Okay, soon I will deal with more serious matters again, as the Iraq conflict starts happening and maybe I'll even post some philosophical musings.

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