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DarkObserver, 15. Februar 2003 um 19:24:44 MEZ Women are cruel! First of all: Apologies to all my female readers. But I have to say this: Women are cruel, irrational beasts! They make a man lose his rationality, tempting him with their appearance only to rip out his heart sooner or later. I've been trying hard for quite a long time to find a female soul-mate but now I've had it, it's no use. Generations of pulp fiction schmalz-writers and Hollywood happy endings have spoiled the view of love most women hold. I for one refuse to follow evolution's biological programming, aiming to replicate without responsibility. Where are like-minded women? I figure, they only exist in the editorials of women's magazines and in the scripts of "Sex and the City" writers. Not going to fall into that trap anymore, either. Will live my life on my own and no longer make a fool of myself. Thank you. link me DarkObserver, 11. Januar 2003 um 03:04:59 MEZ Stranger in a strange world Tonight my ex told me on the phone that -short of two weeks after we broke up- she's found someone new. Shocked me quite a bit. I decided to get drunk, bot not alone. I went to a club of which I was certain that some guys I know would be hanging out there. Shortly after my arrival I had to face the fact, that I was the only one not there with a woman. I couldn't stand to look at the new girlfriend of one of my friends, a dark-haired, slender beauty who's exactly my type, wearing a short silvery-black dress, black overcoat, black stockings plus over-knees and boots. So after two beers I went to another club, which was filled with younger people in their twenties, dancing as if there was no tomorrow. I felt even more out of place there, because everyone seemed to know each other, excepting myself. Out of place is what I have felt most of my life, practically everywhere, at work or with others. Where the place is that I belong I have no idea. Most people are too superficial for my taste and I am too heady for theirs, so to find friends let alone lovers was always difficult for me. I always thought of going to the USA or Canada or some other place where English is spoken, since I love that lanuage so much and have mastered it to a degree that is -sorry if this is bragging- rare for someone to whom it is a second language. I feel quite at home in NYC for instance, where I've been twice, each time staying in the same cheap-skate but pleasant-feeling hotel in Greenwich Village. The atmosphere there is filled with individuality, music and strange people. If I will ever manage to live there and if I'd be happier there? link me DarkObserver, 10. Dezember 2002 um 21:07:40 MEZ Just a quickie... The most frequent query entered into search engines like Google et al leading people to this blog contains the word "philosophy" in combination with the term "sex". Obviously I am not the only one who thinks these are similarly stimulating occupations 8-) link me |
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