Insights and outsides

Enough war-blogging

I've decided that -after this entry- I will stop writing about the war in Iraq. Why? Because it fills me with a cold, almost numbing fury when I look at what's happening.

It is a reality that the most powerful country in the world is governed by a total moron, who wasn't even rightfully voted into office by the American people, but RULED into office by the same conservative judges in the Supreme Court his father had conveniently installed there years before.

This dumb-ass MF is about to throw the whole world into social and economical turmoil and no one is there to stop him. Billions of people around the world feel threatened and humiliated by this imperialistic policy which has in fact been carefully planned for years by rightist Christian think-tanks in America.

The consequences of this war will be felt by everyone and I hope Americans will remember -or finally realize- who is responsible when more and more of their soldiers return home not in triumph, but in a casket.

Or when the next terrorist attack takes innocent lives because this war has achieved the exact opposite of one of its -pretended- goals: To dry out the sources of terrorism and quell the hatred many people in the Arab world feel for the United States.

Americans: Hit the street, demonstrate and oust this moron from the White House for your own good and for that of the whole world! Listen to fellow Americans like Michael Moore:

As an aside: I'm getting lots of referrals from search engines where people -my guess is: Americans- have entered search terms like "dead American soldiers". What US networks aren't showing, a percentage of people is obviously catching up with by using the Internet.

online for 8289 Days
last updated: 16.09.24, 22:00
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