Insights and outsides

In the name of the Lord?

When Jake and Elwood Blues thought themselves to be "on a mission from God" in the 1980's hit movie "Blues Brothers" it was a funny notion to have. When President George Wanker Bush and his companions act based on that same "calling" today, it's not funny it's utterly worrying.

Based on what's happening right now, the USA and GB will start the war against Iraq despite opposition from most of the rest of the world. They will consciously breach international law! It will be legitimate to view them as aggressors, attacking another nation without being attacked first.

From a strict legal standpoint Bush, Rumsfeld and others -after their time in office has run out and their immunity is lifted- could be arrested while outside of the U.S. and put to trial by the International War Crimes Tribunal in La Hague

I don't know which famous American has said it but what we have here is another case of "this great country being held hostage by a corrupt government, deceiving its own people". The propaganda machine is well-oiled and running feverishly to lull the pubic into compliance by fabricating "facts" proving Bush and his war-mongering friends right. It's really like in the movie "Wag the Dog"! The American public -in mainstream media at least- is being kept in the dark about the suffering of Iraqi children because of sanctions running way too long. The majority of the Iraqi population is under the age of 18!

The tone of some of the articles and statements in U.S. media can only be called xenophobic, when it comes to throwing dirt at the French in example. Or how about "Freedom fries"? Come on, get some brains!

If I didn't know by experience that America stands for so much more than conservative-Christian fundamentalism I could start to hate it, but since I do, I won't.

This unilateralism carried out by the current government is nothing but a complete ego-trip by the world's remaining super-power, saying "Fuck U" to the rest of the world. Such bigotry is hardly bearable. The same Donald Rumsfeld who negotiated with Saddam Hussein touting him as a "reliable" partner against Iran back in the 1980's is now placing him in the same league with Hitler. Fact is, this dictator is the same cruel, inhuman asshole he was then.

The reasons for going to war wavered from the so-called "war on terror" to stripping Iraq of weapons of mass-destruction to simply getting rid of Saddam. The real reasons are the huge oil reserves -not exclusively though, that would short-sighted- but a whole host of other things and mainly this crusader-like Christian fundamentalist bullshit the Bush administration subscribes to.

Repercussions may include:

  • Hundreds of thousands of civilian casualties
  • More terror attacks around the world and in the U.S.
  • Americas image in the rest of the world severely damaged for a long time to come "The class bully who cares about no-one else"
  • More unrest in the Middle East
  • North Korea and others gaining more freedom to do stuff really threatening world peace -because they're not in the focus of attention
  • Ridiculing the U.N. "Use them if possible or ignore them"

The money this war will cost would be much better spent in America itself, in example for better education, especially for minorities and for rebuilding the desperate inner cities of many American cities.

*** To be continued ***

online for 8289 Days
last updated: 16.09.24, 22:00
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