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Donnerstag, 22. Mai 2003
DarkObserver, 22. Mai 2003 um 17:53:59 MESZ Iraq War EPILOGUE (sorry, wrote prologue last time, was probably still asleep) So what has been achieved? Saddam is gone, which is good. But: The US and the Brits apparently totally underestimated the amount of work needed after the war. Chaos still rules, electricity and other basic elements of infrastructure are still not working in most parts of Iraq. As a consequence, Jay Garner and other people were replaced to get things off the ground faster. And all of a sudden, the American government is willing to have the U.N. play a bigger role in post-war Iraq than before - I guess, because they finally realized how much reconstruction will cost them. The Americans have failed to achieve most of their purported war goals:
To get Iraq flying again as a country will keep the U.S. - and the world community- quite busy for a long time and I can't say I pity them. You reap, what you sow! link me Mittwoch, 23. April 2003
DarkObserver, 23. April 2003 um 14:20:18 MESZ We love the Iraqi Infotainment Minister As negative as my view of the Iraq war was and is, there's been one guy you could safely laugh at -even more so in fact than at Rumsfeld: Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf, the Iraqi (Dis-)Information Minister. His stout denial of the obvious facts had such an almost Monty-Pythonesque quality, they were on par with a play by Samuel Beckett or other surrealistic achievements. Example: "I can say, and I am responsible for what I am saying, that they have started to commit suicide under the walls of Baghdad. We will encourage them to commit more suicides quickly." Is that commitment to the job, or what? To a lot of people, he's now become some sort of satirical icon, there are numerous websites celebrating his stubborness and overbearing verbal style (certainly not his grammar, though) Here are just two of them: The latter offers you to choose your own background image, supply a small text and then have Al-Sahaf deny the whole setup. Try it out, it's fun! Here's the link to the "press conference" I created there: link me Montag, 21. April 2003
DarkObserver, 21. April 2003 um 21:55:29 MESZ Happy news! In case anyone cares where I've been and why I didn't post anything recently: I'm in love! It appears I've finally found the woman of my dreams. Everything is as it should be and my greatest wish has come true. Thanks to everyone who encouraged me to hope beyond hope. A special thanks to Thilo, he knows why... link me ... Nächste Seite
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