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Donnerstag, 26. Dezember 2002
DarkObserver, 26. Dezember 2002 um 16:54:08 MEZ Neil Gaiman again Having almost finished "American Gods", a novel written by one of my favorite current authors, Neil Gaiman, I found this highly informative website It lists all the gods in the book, giving a short summary for each of them and it also has photos taken inside the strange "House on the Rock" in which a key scene of the story takes place. Did I mention that I'm getting tired of trying to find other Germans who even KNOW about Neil Gaiman, let alone share my appreciation of his work? I know exactly two (Hello Jens and Thilo) and that's it. Any others wanting to discuss him, please contact me by all means! link me Mittwoch, 25. Dezember 2002
DarkObserver, 25. Dezember 2002 um 14:38:10 MEZ Merry Christmas (?) I -and the world as such- have had nicer Christmas days than this year's. A relationship I'd had high hopes for, is about to break up and the world is holding its breath and waiting for the USA to wage its war with Iraq. It saddens me, that I of all people have become sort of a harsh critic of the USA lately, but since it's the current administration's politics I'm totally opposed to rather than the American people as such, it's not a short-sighted, one-sided notion. But consider this: Not only is the USA now keeping Muslim people in detention for pretense reasons, like alleged visa violations, they're continuing to bully other countries not on their "friends list" if they attempt to utilize nuclear power. But India for example, is even welcome to wield atomic weapons because they are a newly-approved ally. All others trying to do the same are told to watch out or get hit across the face by the world's remaining single super-power. Don't get me wrong: I sure as hell don't condone undemocratic governments as in North-Korea, Iran or elsewhere but one should apply the same standards to everyone, something the Bush administration is obviously not doing. North Korea is getting even more threatening than Iraq as far as their potential for weapons of mass-destruction is concerned and what happens? Right... I call that hipocrisy! The UN weapons inspections in Iraq should be called off right away, because their result is moot anyway. Mr. Bush -or rather his advisors I guess- will invent reason after reason to "justify" going to war after all. I advise all Americans with cable or satellite to watch BBC World News to get the REAL deal about what their government is doing. Big American networks or CNN won't tell you the whole story! Since this war seems inevitable, let's hope the number of civilian casualties will be as low as possible and that it will not spawn new and extended conflicts elsewhere. That's my hope. My fear is it will...Fucked-up world, this. link me Dienstag, 10. Dezember 2002
DarkObserver, 10. Dezember 2002 um 21:07:40 MEZ Just a quickie... The most frequent query entered into search engines like Google et al leading people to this blog contains the word "philosophy" in combination with the term "sex". Obviously I am not the only one who thinks these are similarly stimulating occupations 8-) link me ... Nächste Seite
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